The Proposals

Farington Mews South Proposals

Our proposals are for 46 new detached, semi-detached and mews dwellings with open, green space for public use. The new homes will include different housing types at prices people can afford, in places where they want to live. The new homes will widen choice in the local area to support both first-time buyers and renters.

The site we have identified to deliver this is an extension of our existing Farington Mews development immediately to the north, with Flensburg Way to the west. The site forms part of a wider allocation in the South Ribble Local Plan, which identified and allocated this area for housing in 2013.

Our proposals, therefore, provide the opportunity to deliver new homes to meet local and national housing need and in line with South Ribble Borough Council’s vision for the local area.

Site location plan – click to enlarge

The proposed development has been designed sensitively to reflect the surrounding community, whilst following local design guidance including South Ribble Borough Council’s interface distances, to help ensure there will be adequate privacy between the new and existing properties. In addition to this, the development includes green space and access to nearby public, open space that has been incorporated as part of the developments to the north of the site. The existing hedgerow structure will also be maintained to ensure integration and character.

Keepmoat Houses from Farington Mews

The key design principles include:

Fronting onto Flensberg Way

Maintaining and enhancing footpath links across the site/Bannister Lane

Landscaping and greenspace retention

Highways improvements

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The site forms part of a wider allocation in the South Ribble Local Plan, which identified and allocated this area for housing in 2013. This area is allocated for new housing and provides the opportunity to deliver new homes to meet local and national housing need, together with supporting community facilities as required. This site is the last remaining part of the allocation to be proposed for development.

  • Vehicle traffic, as well as construction traffic, will not use Bannister Lane, to access the site. Instead, access to the new homes will be via the adjacent consented Keepmoat Homes development to the north of Bannister Lane (LPA ref. 07/2020/00552/FUL) which is accessed through another residential development currently under construction.

  • Yes, all the new homes will be at prices people can afford with both ownership and rental options on offer. The new homes will widen choice in the local area and support both people who rent and first time buyers.

  • There are a number of services and community facilities and employment opportunities already located within close proximity to the site meaning no additional community infrastructure is required as part of this development.

    Within the s106 contributions, the project team are also in dialogue with South Ribble Borough Council on the provision of playing pitches and education facilities, as well as a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) as Keepmoat Homes strive to make an even greater positive impact on the local area.