Have your say
We want to hear your feedback about our plans to help shape our final designs.
How can I get in touch?
If you would like to get in touch with the project team to find out more or provide your feedback, you can:
Give us a call
We have a freephone hotline on 0808 168 8296. Please feel free to give us a call and leave a message - a member of the project team will call you back.
Send us an email
If you would like to get in touch by email, please contact us at: info@faringtonmewssouth.co.uk
Write to us
You can send your written feedback to our Freepost address – no need to include a stamp, we have already paid for the postage. Just write the following onto an envelope: Freepost plus RUGS-SJCY-TZAA, Farington Mews South Consultation, c/o Turley, Level 5, Transmission, 6 Atherton Street, Manchester, M3 3GS
Watch our webinar
We hosted a webinar on Thursday, 1st August on Zoom, where the project team delivered a presentation on the proposals and answered your questions.
You can watch a recording of the webinar below.
What happens next?
After the consultation period, which closes on Sunday, 4th August 2024, we will be reviewing all feedback received and sharing this with the project team. Where possible, your feedback will help us to shape our final plans.
Following this, we will be submitting a planning application to South Ribble Borough Council later in August. You will have a further opportunity to comment on the plans via the Council’s website over the coming months.